“Your hardware has reached the end of its useful life.” As a business leader, you’ve likely seen this message before, but do you know what it actually means? Or how it can affect your business operations?

“Your hardware has reached the end of its useful life.” As a business leader, you’ve likely seen this message before, but do you know what it actually means? Or how it can affect your business operations?
Fall is officially here bringing cooler temps, colorful leaves, and trips to the pumpkin patch.
Bundle up with us for a new webinar series, “Bytes + Brews”, as we head to our local coffee shop to chat all things technology.
Data loss can happen in the blink of an eye. Having a reliable and complete data backup plan in place can help save your organization valuable time and money in the event of a disaster.
Most of us don’t think twice about insuring our homes and vehicles in their entirety; it’s considered part of the plan. It’s no different for your organization’s data. What value does your data truly possess if all, or even just part of it, could be gone in a flash? We all like to think “it won’t happen to me.” But, unfortunately, that’s not the case. Disasters and mistakes happen to businesses every day, even while performing your routine backups.
It’s important to make sure that your data is fully protected at all times. You may think that your data is being backed up, but without proper testing in place, it’s hard to know if the backups are doing their job correctly.
You should think of your data backups in two different ways: backing up your data and routinely testing your backups. Creating a standardized and repeatable way to test your backups gives you the peace of mind that they will work properly when it matters.
Ever wondered why you would need a backup even if you’re storing your files in the cloud? We are here to fill you in! Check out the answer in less than 60 seconds on this short video!
The flexibility and the affordability of cloud technology has led to an increase in adoption across small businesses. Also, with your employees working from home, there are a growing number of apps and devices being used which means more places to store data.
As your technology and your business changes, it’s important to review your backup plan to make sure it still works for you. The loss of your organization’s data can be devastating, and, unfortunately, data loss happens.
Your last line of defense is your backup. Is all of your data recoverable?
No one likes to think about losing data, but it happens. That’s why planning a backup strategy that fits your company’s needs is so important. Here are the best practices for data backup planning, including how your team can play a role in making sure your data is protected.
Protecting against data loss and unexpected downtime relies on a complete backup plan. So, how can you make sure what you need is available when you need it?
Employee delete a folder of client data? Ransomware encrypt all your files? Data loss happens.
Your backup solution should ensure that your data is safe and recoverable. Reliable data backups save you time, money, and your reputation. However, not all solutions are the same. This article aims to give you the best practices for your data backups.
It’s January, and like every month of the year we’re thinking about cybersecurity and ways to make sure all our clients are protected as security threats evolve. Before you do anything else this year, we want to remind you that it’s time to check the backups.