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5 Key Benefits of Outsourcing IT Support for Your Growing Business

Launching a business involves completing a multitude of administrative tasks just to get your company off the ground. But now that your business has begun experiencing steady growth, you may start thinking about tasks that help your company grow and can benefit your long-term stability and success — like hiring IT support. 

Many business owners believe that the only way to gain focused technology assistance is by staffing an in-house IT department. But in reality, outsourcing IT support to a managed service provider delivers all of the same benefits as hiring an in-house staff without the unnecessary costs. It may be the solution your business needs to gain reliable IT services while you continue growing your venture. 

1. Focus on Your Business 

Until now, you have likely attempted to handle IT issues on your own. You don’t have an in-house staff to consult, and “IT person” is just one of the many hats you’ve worn throughout your business’s development. 

However, outsourcing IT support allows you to focus all of your attention on your critical business processes and avoid wasting any time or energy on technology mishaps. You also won’t need to steal employees away from their tasks to assist with IT issues. Instead, you can pass the process over to an entirely external team while your employees keep the focus on your business goals. 

2. Save Money Compared to In-House IT Support

Hiring even one part-time IT professional to join your team proves costly. A recent survey showed that an IT hire that can run an entire internal environment currently costs around $100k per year. Any software, tools, and equipment they need will come straight out of your revenue. And if you want them to be on call when you need them, you’ll pay a lot more in their wages than the value you receive from their services. 

Of course, most companies don’t have only one part-time IT person — they need entire teams of IT professionals who are available during full-time hours. This level of support becomes even more expensive.

Instead, outsourcing services to a managed IT provider gives you the same access to qualified professionals without needing to add them to the payroll. 

3. Customize Your Level of Assistance 

Your growing business may not need full-time or even part-time IT support every week. Some weeks, you may only have a quick question that requires 30 minutes of assistance from an IT professional. Other weeks, you may need in-depth assistance rolling out new software across your entire company. 

One of the main benefits of outsourced IT support is that you don’t need to overpay for a one-size-fits-all plan that your company rarely uses — or drown under a mountain of IT problems when you’ve only paid for part-time support. You can customize the level of customer service you receive from your managed service provider based on your business’s precise needs. 

Managed services are also scalable. While you may purchase a lower service tier now, once your business expands in a year or two, you can easily switch to a higher tier without needing to search for a new provider. 

4. Gain Specialist-Level Support

Working with a managed service provider gives you access to an entire team of expert information technology professionals with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. To gain this same level of expertise in an in-house employee, you’d need to spend well over $100,000 per year on their annual salary alone. 

Managed service providers employ IT and customer support professionals who understand your company’s systems and software intimately. They have years of experience managing these programs and can quickly resolve issues to prevent downtime. You gain this expertise whenever you need it without needing to keep in-house staff on the payroll. 

5. Reduce Cybersecurity Threats

Even if your business doesn’t frequently need IT support, having a managed service provider on call can improve your response time to cybersecurity threats that plague virtually every business in this digital age. At the first sign of a potential data breach or other cyber threat, you can contact your managed IT support for fast assistance.

You can also enlist your managed service provider to monitor your systems and watch for potential threats, then thwart them before they turn into expensive issues. 

Work Smarter and Outsource IT Support to WorkSmart

Outsourcing IT support to a managed service provider gives you personalized IT assistance whenever you need it for a low price tag. At WorkSmart, we specialize in providing managed IT services for businesses like yours. 

Request a free consultation today by calling (888) 484-1012 to learn more about how we can assist with your IT and cybersecurity needs


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Uncategorized Data Backups & Recovery Cybersecurity - Prevention Blog

How to Handle End-of-Life IT Equipment

“Your hardware has reached the end of its useful life.” As a business leader, you’ve likely seen this message before, but do you know what it actually means? Or how it can affect your business operations?


Learn a little more about the people you’re going to love!

Jason, Service Manager
As a Service Manager, Jason owns the support experience for our clients. He manages the technicians that work on your support tickets as well as the onsite consultant team. It’s his job to ensure that we are communicating effectively and resolving issues quickly.

After more than 19 years at WorkSmart, Jason has experience in a little bit of everything. He’s extremely knowledgeable in the IT industry and will work to solve any problem thrown at him.

In his spare time, Jason enjoys scuba diving in many different locations and hanging out with his dogs!

What folks say about Jason:

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for working the firewall issue. It’s people like you that make me happy that I work at WorkSmart!”

“Our meeting this week moved the process documentation project for Service forward leaps and bounds. Thank you for collaborating with me and breaking down what we need to adapt from current processes.”

kleiman jason
Chad, Technical Support Engineer
Chad, Technical Support Engineer Chad has been an integral member of the WorkSmart team for over eight years now. Throughout his tenure, he’s been able to gain a great deal of experience and expertise in a variety of different IT areas.

He works on a daily basis to ensure that our client’s needs are being met, and he’s always willing to help out wherever he can.

What our clients say about Chad:

“Chad did great, as always!”

“Chad’s efforts in contacting a support assist resolved this issue. He always gives us 200%.

“It was very comforting to know that Chad was watching what another company was wanting to add to our system.”

Jake, Technical Support Engineer
Jake has been working in the IT industry for over four years now and currently works to support our clients in the Charlotte area.

In his free time, Jake enjoys playing games, cooking, and going for hikes. He also likes to listen to audiobooks and podcasts. A few of his favorite podcasts are “My Brother, My Brother, and Me”, “The Dollop”, and “Welcome to Nightvale”.

What our clients say about Jake:

“Jake was absolutely amazing. My computer had a complex issue and Jake was thorough and saw it fully through. He is fantastic.”

“Jake was great; friendly, efficient, knowledgeable, great communicator. Very satisfied with my time with him.”

Jake, Technical Support Engineer
Mike, Technical Support Engineer
Mike, Technical Support Engineer Mike has been with the team for over three years now and has an even longer background in the IT world across many different positions.

In his spare time, Mike enjoys reading, playing video games and board games, or hanging out at the pool. He’s also a big fan of Shepherd’s Pie and would love to one day take a trip on a Caribbean cruise.

Mike also enjoys hanging out with his dog Dori, and 4 cats: Luna, Tick, Lion-O, and Baby Kitten.

What our clients say about Mike:

“Mike was very thorough and ensured our team has what it needs to move forward with the new VPN technology. I appreciate his attention to detail!”

“Mike worked diligently on this setup. I appreciate his thoroughness and communication. His dedication to getting this done is to be applauded.”

Joe, Consultant
Joe works to help support our clients in the Charlotte region and surrounding areas. In his free time, Joe enjoys hanging out with his family, playing Xbox, and watching good movies.

He has two dogs, a Husky mix named Darla and a Mutt named Dudley. Joe is also a big fan of pasta and Dr. Pepper and hopes to visit Japan one day.

What folks say about JOE:

“The tech support is nice to talk with while troubleshooting my remote PC.”

“Thank you so much for coming in and helping us when you were not scheduled to be on standby. We really appreciate you!”

Joe, Consultant
Blake, Consultant
Blake, Consultant Blake is a prime example of our core value of “Be Curious” as he loves collecting any new information and learning about a wide variety of random things.

In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with his family, listening to podcasts, and watching the Shawshank Redemption. He also has two cats, Norman (4 years old) and Henri (1 year old).

What our clients say about Blake:

“Blake was great to work with in resolving my issues!”

“Fast response. Professional staff!”

George, Consultant
George has been on the team for a little over a year now and enjoys anything that crosses art and technology. In his free time, he enjoys working on cars, wood and metal working, and welding.

He also has four pets: a dog named Cho Chang, and three cats named Ramses, Nima, and Nefertiti. George hopes to one day travel by train from Paris to Hanoi.

What our clients say about George:

“George handles it all in stride. He’s wonderful to work with.

“George was very knowledgeable and kind when explaining the issue. Also, his recommendations were very good.”

“Thanks for your continued excellent support of the team. Appreciate all you do.”

George, Consultant
Russ, Consultant
Russ, Consultant Originally from Pittsburgh, Russ migrated to North Carolina in 1997 for a promotion with the VA. Since then, he’s been a mentor, technology trainer, IT technician, specialist, advisor, and team leader.

Russ is a life-long Steelers fan, but also loves the Panthers now. In his free time, Russ enjoys going to the movies, watching football, participating in sports, and enjoying the great outdoors.

Coffee is his beverage of choice and he loves spending time with his family and Jack Russell Terrier, Roxy.

What our clients say about Russ:

“Quickly resolved the issue for us. Thanks!”

“Russ worked hard to get it completed.

Daniel, Technical Support Representative
Daniel has been on the team for almost two years and has held a couple different roles. When he’s not working, you can usually find him playing video games or watching sports on TV (his favorites are the Bruins, Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox).

He’s a a huge pizza connoisseur and loves to experiment with really “out there” types of food. Daniel hopes to one day visit Europe or Hawaii.

What our clients say about Daniel:

“Prompt and professional service by Daniel. Resolved my issues after one session.

“Daniel was more than helpful when fixing my ticketed problem which he was able to solve. He also talked me through some of the other issues I have been having off and on for awhile now. Once we got off the phone he followed up on his recommendation almost immediately. Thanks Daniel!”

Daniel, Technical Support Representative
Alec, Technical Support Representative
Alec, Technical Support Representative Alec is an NC native with a wide variety of experience in the tech world. Previously, he worked as a nuclear medicine field service engineer and has 10 years experience in troubleshooting and engineering in various modalities.

He’s a practicing musician of about 15 years and has an amateur studio where he records his own solo projects as well as mix, edit, and write for brand advertisements.

In his free time, Alec enjoys spending time with his family and two dogs, Koji and Yuki.

What our clients say about Alec:

“Alec was very kind and knowledgable in helping me. We resolved my issue in about 5 mins.”

“Alec was great. Seemed like it was a tough issue to resolve but he stuck with it.


Learn a little more about the people you’re going to love!

Tim, Service Manager
As a Service Manager, Tim owns the support experience for our clients. He manages the technicians that work on your support tickets as well as the onsite consultant team. It’s his job to ensure that we are communicating effectively and resolving issues quickly.

After spending most of his life in California, Tim and his wife moved to NC in 2017 where they’ve been ever since.

He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, daughter, cats, and dog Lilly Belle.

Tim also likes to play guitar, bbq, fish, watch movies, and listen to good music.

What folks say about Tim:

“You are willing to step up and help or offer direction. Your kindness and hard work make this a great place to work!”

“Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this team!”

Osting Tim
Joshua, Technical Support Engineer
Joshua, Technical Support Engineer Located in the Raleigh-Durham area as well, Josh enjoys all things technology and is always willing to learn new things.

In his free time, he likes to play video games, listen to music, and run. He has completed multiple races, including 5ks, 10ks and half marathons. He also enjoys tech videos on YouTube and watching good movies.

What our clients say about Josh:

“Joshua is so nice to work with. Very prompt service. Thank you so much for your help.”

“Patience, persistence and excellent tech knowledge. Thank YOU, Josh.

“I missed the scheduled call and Josh called me back at the end of a Friday!”

Johan, Technical Support Engineer
Johan currently resides in the Raleigh-Durham area and has been working in the IT industry for about 4 years now. He is also actively pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Data Management and Analytics.

In his spare time, Johan enjoys spending time with his family, his dog Scooter, and working on small projects with his 3D printer to create new things.

What our clients say about Johan:

“Johan is always a pleasure to work with.”

“Everything completed efficiently and fast! Back in working order.

“Johan was able to understand the untechnical way I explained the problems I was having and almost intuited what I needed changed to be able to effectively utilize my calendar.”

Johan, Technical Support Engineer
Logan, Consultant
Logan, Consultant Originally from Harrisonburg, Virginia, Logan has recently relocated to the Triangle area. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his dog Dena, especially when they go to dog parks.

Logan also likes to find new walking trails to explore on, and various other outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing.

What our clients say about Logan:

“Thanks for rocking the workstation install! You are awesome.”

“Logan did a great job sticking with the issue, troubleshooting a variety of problems, and providing guidance.”

“Thank you so much for your help in getting involved and making recommendations! Your professionalism and knowledge was extremely beneficial.”

Winfield, Consultant
Located in the Raleigh-Durham area as well, Winfield has been on our team for over 16 years now. He enjoys all things technology and helping our clients reach their full potential by having the right technology and strategies in place.

He holds a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various aspects of IT, and is always willing to help out when he can.

What our clients say about Winfield:

“You are always easy to work with and very thorough!

“We have a lot of trust and faith in you that anything you work on will be done right. You’re also willing to lean on the team for anything that may require further investigation.”

Winfield, Consultant
Jake, Consultant
Jake, Consultant Jake is a Durham, North Carolina, native and has been working in small business IT for more than 10 years. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, camping, and cooking (he’s a firm believer that he makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world).

Jake also likes to spend time with his four cats, play PC games, and go backpacking.

What our clients say about Jake:

“Jake is super helpful and very knowledgeable!”

“Jake was wonderful, he kept researching until he found the problem, fixed it and now I am up and running again remotely!!!

“Jake continues to provide quick responses to any questions I have regarding our network. He continues to demonstrate customer service is a priority for him!”

Joshua, Technical Support Representative
Josh has always taken an interest in technology, especially since he grew up part of the first generation that had them readily available for consumer use. He even still has his very first PC in his basement!

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two kids, as well as training for Ninja Warrior. Fun fact about Josh, he currently holds two world-records in Speedrunning video games.

What our clients say about Josh:

“Josh is awesome!

“Josh got me back up and running remotely and also explained how to avoid this in the future!”

“Josh got on a call with me shortly after I called in and got me back up and running in no time. He explained what all he was doing as he was doing it which I appreciate.”

Joshua, Technical Support Representative
Wayne, Technical Support Representative
Wayne, Technical Support Representative Located in the Raleigh-Durham area, Wayne enjoys all things technology and learning new things. In his free time, he likes to spend time with his wife of 24 years and their three children.

One of Wayne’s favorite quotes is, “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless by water.” from Bruce Lee, as he interprets that to mean don’t be rigid in your thinking, but rather open to new ideas and opportunities.

He also enjoys doing outdoor activities, such as gardening, lawn care, hiking, and riding his bike on trails.

What our clients say about Wayne:

“Wayne was extremely patient, figured out the problem and walked me through it. Thank you, Wayne!”

“Wayne was very helpful!


Learn a little more about the people you’re going to love!

Jason, Service Manager
As a Service Manager, Jason owns the support experience for our clients. He manages the technicians that work on your support tickets as well as the onsite consultant team. It’s his job to ensure that we are communicating effectively and resolving issues quickly.

After more than 19 years at WorkSmart, Jason has experience in a little bit of everything. He’s extremely knowledgeable in the IT industry and will work to solve any problem thrown at him.

In his spare time, Jason enjoys scuba diving in many different locations and hanging out with his dogs!

What folks say about Jason:

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for working the firewall issue. It’s people like you that make me happy that I work at WorkSmart!”

“Our meeting this week moved the process documentation project for Service forward leaps and bounds. Thank you for collaborating with me and breaking down what we need to adapt from current processes.”

kleiman jason
Sam, Technical Support Engineer
Sam, Technical Support Engineer With a life-long passion for all things technology and sports, Sam began his career in the sports broadcasting world. He spent six years broadcasting everything from West Text high school football all the way up to Division II college football before beginning his career in the IT industry.

He now resides in NC with his fiancé and their Jack Russell Terrier named Maple. When he isn’t working, he’s usually out trying to find places to explore outdoors. Whether it’s a simple hike or climbing to the top of the tallest rocky outcrop, he enjoys being out in nature.

What our clients say about SAM:

“Thanks a million! Sam is my hero! He dives right in and diagnoses the problems quickly.”

“Sam has done a fantastic job helping with any problems we’ve had. Timely and professional – it’s greatly appreciated.

Dre, Technical Support Engineer
Originally from Mount Vernon, New York, Dre moved to Georgia in 2005 for high school and later attended Georgia Gwinnett College where he majored in Information Technology – Systems and Security.

Dre loves learning about new advancements in technology and applying them to his both his work and personal life.

In his spare time, he enjoys gaming on his PC, powerlifting, swimming, and spending time with his dog Bailee.

What our clients say about DRE:

“Andre is consistently always helpful. He has great knowledge and lots of patience. He is a great asset to WorkSmart’s Team!”

“It is a pleasure to work with Andre. His calm demeanor makes it super easy to work through issues.

Dre, Technical Support Engineer
Randy, Consultant
Randy, Consultant Randy currently resides in Georgia with his wife, Carla and their new puppy Dakota. In his spare time, Randy enjoys pretty much anything outdoors including, hiking, camping, and taking long walks with his dog.

He enjoys reading the Sunday paper and his car magazines, as well as listening to Rock and Alternative music.

Randy has a knack for trouble shooting problems and making our clients feel at ease. He strongly believes in making the world a better place one computer at a time.

What our clients say about randy:

“On time. Great attitude. Friendly. Spent a few minutes helping a co-worker with an issue. Randy was the best!”

“Randy is ALWAYS able to find a solution to my technical issues and is very kind and professional!”

Andrew, Consultant
Originally from Jackson, Mississippi, Andrew relocated to Atlanta in 2016 where he now resides with his wife and three kids.

In his free time, Andrew enjoys spending time with his family, playing video games, and hanging out with his dog (April) and cat (Kitty).

What our clients say about ANDREW:

“Andrew does a fantastic job, very knowledgeable!

“Three (3) Laptops Setup – BOOM! No time at all. Thanks Andrew!!!!”

“Thank you for your quick response on our emergency email situation!”

Andrew, Consultant
Nick, Technical Support Representative
Nick, Technical Support Representative Nick currently resides in the Atlanta, Georgia area with his wife and two little girls. In his free time, he loves cheering on his Georgia Bulldogs. 

Nick also enjoys disc golf, playing video games, hanging out with his dog Bullet, and tinkering with his own computer set up at home.

What our clients say about NICK:

“Nick was upbeat and helpful.”

“Nick did great! I was expecting to have to purchase a new docking station and he was able to get it to work after about 25 minutes. I am so appreciative!

“Nick stuck with the problem until it was fixed — I truly appreciated it!”

Chloe, Technical Support Representative
Chloe currently resides in Georgia and has a passion for all things technology, with a wide range of experience in a few different areas. In her free time, she likes to play video games, draw, and play table top RPGs such as DnD. 

She also is very skilled at programming and occasionally makes small games, one of which ended up winning the Georgia Game Developer Association’s Best in Georgia for 2022.

What our clients say about CHLOE:

“Chloe was helpful, flexible and communicated with me through the process.

“Thank you for a quick response to my ticket. Chole was great and it was a simple fix.”

“Chloe is great and such a delight to work with.”

Chloe, Technical Support Representative
Ashan, Technical Support Engineer
Ashan, Technical Support Engineer Raised in Brooklyn, Ashan has now become fully embraced in Atlanta and is very proud of his Trinidadian culture.

He grew up playing basketball, riding bmx, playing video games & doing karate.

In his free time, Ashan enjoys all things tech, anime & video games.

What our clients say about ASHAN:

“Very fast response! Excellent service.”



Learn a little more about the people you’re going to love!

Tim, Service Manager
As a Service Manager, Tim owns the support experience for our clients. He manages the technicians that work on your support tickets as well as the onsite consultant team. It’s his job to ensure that we are communicating effectively and resolving issues quickly.

After spending most of his life in California, Tim and his wife moved to NC in 2017 where they’ve been ever since.

He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, daughter, cats, and dog Lilly Belle.

Tim also likes to play guitar, bbq, fish, watch movies, and listen to good music.

What folks say about Tim:

“You are willing to step up and help or offer direction. Your kindness and hard work make this a great place to work!”

“Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this team!”

Osting Tim
Dave, Consultant
Dave Consultant Dave has been working in IT for 20 years and has been in a few different positions. He enjoys gardening, watching sports, and spending time with friends and family.

Dave also has two dogs – Cooper and Drax. His favorite food is cheeseburgers and hopes to one day visit St. Maarten.

What our clients say about dave:

Dave always gets us squared away during his proactive visits, it is comforting to have him here each month. Even if he can’t immediately solve whatever crisis we’ve created, he’ll research and figure it out!

“As usual, Dave ran this one down for us and patiently guided us through the process of achieving what we had asked for!

David, Technical Support Engineer
David grew up in Central America before moving to the United States. He’s interested in all things technology and is always curious to learn more.

His favorite books include Bobiverse, Shogun, and the Pillars of the Earth. On the weekends, David enjoys watching college football, grilling, and watching his nephew play baseball.

David has one dog that he enjoys spending time with. He would love to visit the Nordic Region one day, and his favorite thing to eat is steak.

What our clients say about david:

“David was terrific and very helpful and patient. Very much appreciated.

“David is always a pleasure to work with – very helpful and always gets it right!

David, Technical Support Engineer
Xander, Technical Support Engineer II
Xander, Technical Support Engineer II Xander was born and raised in NC. He enjoys spending time in the outdoors doing anything from going on backpacking trips with his brother to hanging out by a fire with friends.

He’s a big fan of football (even though his Panthers have had some tough times!) and loves any set of mountains with a beautiful view, preferably when it’s snowing out.

Xander’s favorite food is Pho and is always on the hunt for new and unique places to visit with his wife.

What our clients say about xander:

Xander’s knowledge, professionalism and customer-centric attitude.

Xander is great to work with.”

John, IT Consultant
 John grew up in West Michigan where he joined the Army right after high school. He returned home to attend college and landed his first job in the IT industry where he’s been working ever since.

He eventually relocated to NC and began working specifically in the Managed Services side of IT. John enjoys spending time with his wife and four children (two natural and two foster), as well as riding Harleys with his brother.

John is a big sports fan and loves going to sporting events, especially baseball and hockey games (Go Wings and Canes!). His family is also very big into scouting.

What our clients say about john:

John is amazing!! Always does a good job, follows through and is very detail oriented.”

“I can always count on John to identify potential issues and address them during proactive visits.”

“A true asset to our organization knowing John is available to assist.”

John, IT Consultant
Frank, Consultant
Frank, Consultant Frank is also on one of our RDU-based teams and is an avid gamer of all kinds, including board games and video games.

In his spare time, Frank also enjoys painting and learning about new things. Fun fact, he also considers himself to be quite the dog whisperer.

What our clients say about Frank:

“Frank was AMAZING today!!! Thank you for all your help and patience.”

“Thank you for your prompt attention and solution!

“As always, Frank was very responsive!!”

David, Technical Support Representative
David is on one of our RDU-based teams, and considers himself to be a pretty easy-going and relaxed kind of guy.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading articles, playing games with friends, and watching shows.

On top of that, David also likes to cook, garden, go on hikes, and spend time in nature (especially when there’s animals!).

What our clients say about DAVID:

“David was great! Very professional and pleasant.

“David is the best!”

“Yes, this ticket was resolved in record time–I really appreciate how quickly David took care of it!!”

David, Technical Support Representative

Learn a little more about the people you’re going to love!

Tim, Service Manager
As a Service Manager, Tim owns the support experience for our clients. He manages the technicians that work on your support tickets as well as the onsite consultant team. It’s his job to ensure that we are communicating effectively and resolving issues quickly.

After spending most of his life in California, Tim and his wife moved to NC in 2017 where they’ve been ever since.

He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, daughter, cats, and dog Lilly Belle.

Tim also likes to play guitar, bbq, fish, watch movies, and listen to good music.

What folks say about Tim:

“You are willing to step up and help or offer direction. Your kindness and hard work make this a great place to work!”

“Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this team!”

Tim Osting headshot
Jeff, Technical Support Engineer
Jeff Lundeen headshot Jeff is Atlanta-born and now has 3 fur-children – Jackson (Anatolian Shepherd), Paisley (Min Pin/Chihuahua Mix), and Meeko the cat.

Jeff spent 4 years in the USMC where he got to do many interesting things as a Recon Marine.

His free time now mostly includes getting in his sports fix in anyway possible and playing flag football or golf.

What our clients say about Jeff:

“Thanks a million Jeff! You are a super star. I appreciate your help.”

Jeff is very patient with us. He is very detailed and is willing to go the extra mile to solve the issue.”

Seth, Consultant
Seth has worked in IT for the better part of a decade, and has also worked in various media projects. He’s been a podcaster, reviewed over 300 games, and has performed various voice over projects including ring announcing.

He has a dog named Sentry and a cat named Yu. In his free time, Seth also enjoys trying wild new snack foods and watching just about anything.

What our clients say about SETH:

“Friendly, professional, solid service. Thanks.

“Seth, thank you for throwing yourself into a new, unknown challenge. We’re so glad to have you.”

Seth Travaline headshot
Lucas, Technical Support Representative
Lucas Gargano headshot While he’s a North Carolina native, Lucas spent most of his life moving around the country and going overseas with his family due to the Navy.

He’s a graduate of NCSU with a passion for art and technology. Lucas has previously worked for Epic Games on their Release Team, helping to test and deploy multiple seasons of Fortnite.

Lucas enjoys being outdoors, spending time with his pug (named Tug!), watching movies, playing video games, reading and has recently started learning Ukrainian. 

What our clients say about lucas:

We had to try a few things, but Lucas was persistent. Problem solved.

Matthew, Technical Support Engineer
Matthew is a homebody who loves to be away from home. He has one dog (Kenobi) and three cats (Bagheera, Samwise, and Noel).

He enjoys reading, watching movies, playing video games. Matthew also likes many different outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, water & snow sports, and golfing. 

What our clients say about Matthew:

Got my computer working so that I didn’t have to through a bunch of extra steps to do what I normally do! An absolute timesaver!”

My service tech, Matthew, was terrifically helpful and reassuring and managed to make me feel not so bad about being an idiot when it comes to making rookie computer security mistakes. Thank you so much! 

Matthew Storm headshot
Sam, Consultant
Sam Martin headshot Sam is a comic book collector, bookworm, gamer, occasional geocacher, aspiring international traveler, foodie, movie aficionado, and sometimes adrenaline junkie (e.g. flying a plane, driving fast cars/motorcycles, bungie jumping).

She’s had a bucket list going since she was a teenager has been able to check off many of the things on the list. Sam has an adopted Retriever Mix named Sydney (Scooby to some) and multiple fish. 

What our clients say about sam:

“Sam is amazing, we appreciate her coming in on a Saturday to make sure we are up and running for our opening day!”

“Sam demonstrated customer service excellence at its finest. Sam is patient, kind, professional and very knowledgeable.”

Bill, Technical Support Engineer
After growing up on Long Island and spending a few years in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Bill eventually relocated to North Carolina (which he claims is his favorite!)

In his free time, he likes to hang out with his family, his four dogs Inigo, Pedro, Gunnar, and Lulu, as well as smoke chicken on the pellet grill.

Bill also enjoys listening to music, photography, and woodworking.

What our clients say about Bill:

“Bill not only solved my issue, but he went out of his way to make sure I understood what happened and why.

“Bill is always amazing. Did everything he could to fix the problem.”

Bill Marin headshot
Jenna, Technical Support Engineer
Jenna Gonzales headshot Jenna was born and raised in Alabama, and has also lived in both California and Texas before settling in North Carolina. Jenna is also a United States Marine Corps veteran.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her three kids, three dogs (Boomer, Lucy, and Chance), and three cats (Molly, Figuero, and Pumkin Pi).

Jenna is also an avid reader, and likes to garden and find new trails to take walks on.

What our clients say about Jenna:

“Jenna was amazing! Love when she is assigned to my tickets. So knowledgeable and fast. Very much appreciated.”

“Jenna was very helpful and very patient to help me add an inbox that I did not know how to do! 10/10 service!

Justin, Consultant III
Justin has been in the IT world for quite some time and is an expert in many different areas.

In his free time, Justin enjoys spending time with his family and checking out the local waterfalls across the state of North Carolina.

Clients love working with him for many reason, but especially due to his responsiveness and ability to get things completed in an efficient and timely manner.

What our clients say about Justin:

“Justin is great to work with. Always eager to get the job done 🙂

“Justin is top-notch. Very fast response, very fast fix.”

Stegall Justin