Data Backups & Recovery IT Strategy and Infrastructure

5 steps to a business continuity exercise

Business continuity plans (BCP) are designed to protect your company’s resources and data in the event of a disaster. Backing up data, getting insurance and marking rally points are some of the main components of a BCP. One of the most important processes is running an exercise to test whether the BCP actually works. But a business continuity exercise can be a challenge in its own way, as it involves all your employees and executives. Don’t be overwhelmed – we have a few proven steps to get you started.

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How to Protect Your Business From Disaster

Think your business is immune to disasters? Think again. Disasters can strike without warning, and when they do, your company stands to lose more than just the time and money you’ll have to spend on data recovery and compensation. You could lose years of hard-earned reputation and trust from loyal clients – the two things that could potentially end your operations altogether.

It’s therefore important to protect your business from disasters before they even happen. When it comes to disaster recovery planning, there are countless actions you can take to minimize damage and risk. Here are a few to help you protect your business from disaster.

Data Protection Data Backups & Recovery

5 Tips for new BCP technology

Businesses of all sizes should take the time to implement business continuity plans if they want their business to survive a potential disaster. In order to do this, you need technology to support your plans. Even businesses with plans in place need to replace their technology eventually. The issue is how you know when to do this. To help, here are five tips that can signify when new technology is needed.