
Blog Data Backups & Recovery

Marissa Explains IT All: Key Elements of a Data Backup Plan

Data loss can happen in the blink of an eye. Having a reliable and complete data backup plan in place can help save your organization valuable time and money in the event of a disaster.

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are two key elements that should be considered when forming this backup plan.

Curious about what they are? Check out Marissa’s 60-second explanation below. Continue scrolling for the full transcript and more information.

Episode 14


“Business continuity and data loss prevention rely on realistic RTO and RPO goals.

Specifically, RTO (Recovery Time Objective) is the amount of time it takes from the incident to when you’re back up and running, like business-as-usual. Essentially, it’s how long your team can be disrupted and how fast you need to be able to recover.

The other, RPO (Recovery Point Objective), is the point-in-time furthest back that you can go when you’re recovering from the incident. So, how much data can your organization afford to lose? Which then tells you how often you need to be able to back up.

These are key metrics to help you define the backup plan and the right technology to help you meet the needs of your organization.”


More information on data backups:

The Importance of Testing Your Backups

Best Practices & Helpful Tips for Backup Planning