
Blog Cybersecurity - Prevention

A Guide to Managed Firewall Pricing

To help you make a decision, here’s what you need to know about managed firewall pricing.

You know that your organization needs a firewall. As the frontline of defense in protecting your network, a robust firewall can stop threats from entering or spreading across your network. Should you purchase one? Or does a managed firewall fit your business needs? To help you make a decision, here’s what you need to know about managed firewall pricing.

What Is a Firewall?

Every business needs a firewall to defend your data while accessing the internet. Firewalls are a strong and important protection between your information and cyber attackers looking for a way in. A firewall stops unauthorized users before they reach your private network. Having the right firewall helps to:

  • Keep private information secure
  • Create a safe server environment
  • Help prevent malware

What is a Managed Firewall?

Many small businesses choose to have their MSP provide a managed firewall over sourcing their own. Instead, they use a managed firewall service to get the protection they need for an affordable price.

Like leasing equipment, there is no capital expense. You pay a monthly fee to use a firewall owned by your IT provider. Unlike a lease, however, you won’t be burdened with upkeep. Your MSP proactively manages the firewall to make sure it works properly, keeping your network running and your data safe.

More good news? You won’t need to source a replacement if it breaks. That’s on your provider since it’s their hardware.  Also, you’ll be able to adapt easily as your business needs change without a major upfront expense.

How to choose the right firewall

How much does a Managed Firewall Cost?

Like other managed IT services, managed firewalls use a subscription model.  Managed firewall pricing varies greatly depending on the firewall solution and ongoing management and support. It can range anywhere from $50 – 600/mo for managed firewall services.

Managed Firewall Pricing

MSPs offer firewall solutions to fit your network’s needs in order to protect you against threats. Typically, the firewall cost reflects the size and speed of your network.

  • How many users do you have in the office?
  • How much bandwidth do you have?

For example, you may need a bigger firewall if you want to use all the bandwidth in your 1 Gigabit connection.

Firewall as a Managed Security Service

But what if you need more visibility into the network so you can identify threats in real time?

Higher priced managed firewall services offer additional managed security services for businesses with higher compliance and security needs. The MSP builds upon the firewall service by monitoring logs for potential threats. This cost may be included with a managed firewall or provided separately as a SOC-as-a-service.

What’s Next?

Ask your MSP these questions to get the right technology for your business.

  • Is the firewall sized properly for our needs? Up to how many users?
  • What internet speeds can I expect based on how we’ll use the firewall?
  • Do you perform regular firewall maintenance like firmware updates?
  • Do you include log monitoring, alerting on potential threats, and auditing?

But remember, a layered defense is critical to preventing successful cyberattacks. The front line never works alone. Neither does your firewall.

Phishing and other malware can get into a secure system if your users let it in. Having security awareness training helps users know how to recognize potential threats and keep data safe.

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