Employee-friendly Content Cybersecurity - Prevention

Marissa Explains IT All: What are the symptoms of a virus?

We can all agree that computer viruses are bad, and we should take the proper precautionary steps to try and avoid them. However, we can’t always be so lucky.

If you were to fall victim to a virus, would you know what to look out for on your device? It’s important to quickly become aware in these situations so that you can limit the potential damage that the virus can cause.

Cybersecurity - Prevention Data Protection

Summer Series: Protecting Data on Your Mobile Devices

In this digital world, everything is now mobile. Your team accesses work on more than just their computers. While the flexibility is convenient, you have to make sure it’s being done securely so that your organization is not left vulnerable.

Employee-friendly Content

Summer of Tech: Video Series

Summer is officially over, but no need to fear! Our Summer Series videos are still available to help you explore ways to make the most out of your technology.

Cybersecurity - Prevention

Marissa Explains IT All: Vulnerability Scanning vs. Penetration Testing

Cybersecurity threats are continually evolving and it’s important to make sure that your organization is keeping up with those risks. Vulnerability scans and penetration tests are two proven tools that work to identify potential threats to your system before it’s too late. While they are similar in nature, there are a few key differences between the two.

To learn more about the difference between the two and why they are important, check out Marissa’s 60(ish) second explanation below. The full transcript can be found below.

Cybersecurity - Prevention

Azure AD Conditional Access: Everything You Need to Know

More data than ever is being created and stored due to the increased use of technology in everyday business operations. Add to that the need for data to be accessible in the cloud so that people can access what they need, no matter where they’re working from.

Employee-friendly Content Cybersecurity - Prevention

Social Engineering: Tips for Avoiding the Trap

It’s no secret that cybercrime is on the rise. Not only are these threats becoming more frequent, but they’re also becoming more complex in nature – making it even more difficult to prevent an attack.

While the pandemic has allowed for much more flexibility in the workplace, it’s also increased the susceptibility of businesses to fall victim to cybercrime.

Social engineering is one tactic that has steadily increased, especially over the last couple of years. It can present itself in many different forms, making it hard to spot and prevent from occurring before it’s too late. To help keep your organization protected, it’s important to make sure your team is knowledgeable on how this attack can look, and given the proper steps to take in avoiding the trap.

Security Alerts

Security Alert: Sophos Firewall Vulnerability

WorkSmart is aware of the recently discovered security vulnerability affecting Sophos firewall. ManagedShield Firewalls provided as part of clients’ service plans have the patch installed and require no further action to mitigate this vulnerability.

We are continuing to work with clients that own their own firewall to ensure they’re protected.

Cybersecurity - Prevention Cybersecurity - Detection and Response

Marissa Explains IT All: DNS Security

Protecting your organization from cyber threats starts with having a layered approach to your organization’s cyber defenses. With DNS being the first step when making a connection to the Internet, it’s important to use proper DNS Security tools to defend against cyber threats.

Check out Marissa’s 60-second explanation below to learn:

Security Alerts

Security Alert: Okta Security Incident

WorkSmart is aware of the security incident with Okta, an identity and access management firm that supports thousands of businesses. We are working with our partners to assess any potential impact on our tools.

Cybersecurity - Prevention Data Protection

Marissa Explains IT All: How to Choose the Right Firewall

When it comes to selecting the right firewall for your business, there’s a few considerations to think about. Your firewall is an integral part of keeping your business secure, so you want to ensure that you have the proper one in place to do just that.

In today’s hybrid work environment, nearly everything is connected to the internet in order to allow this flexible work style. Unfortunately, if it’s connected to the internet, it’s also at risk for cyberattack.