
Blog Cybersecurity - Prevention

Marissa Explains IT All: Advice for Using Public WiFi

Over the past couple of years, we’ve likely all found ourselves in a position where we needed to get some work done, but our only internet option was public wifi.

Whether you like to head to your local coffee shop or get some work done in a bookstore, oftentimes there is no other option for you to use.

In this episode of #MarissaExplainsITAll, Marissa talks about the dangers of public wifi, and what to do should you have to use it.

Episode 15


What is your advice for using public wifi?

Don’t do it. Just kidding. Public wifi is super accessible, but there is a risk. If you don’t have to use it, don’t use it. I like to use the data from my cellphone when I’m traveling in an airport.

But the big thing here is if you’re going to use it, let’s be careful. Make sure that the network you’re connecting to is actually a legitimate one because sometimes hackers make it look like it’s a Starbucks wifi, but it’s not. The intent is for them to steal your info, watch your activities, and install bad things on your computer.

Some things that you can do? Use a VPN to securely access your organization’s resources. That VPN should have multi-factor authentication on it so that we can verify you are who, in fact, you say you are when you connect to the network to create that secure access. Also, make sure your computer has robust anti-virus and anti-malware solutions so that if something does happen, you can protect yourself.”



For more information: 

Why You Should Use Multi-Factor Authentication

7 Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Working