Data Protection

Venmo adds multi-factor authentication

It’s easy to get complacent about internet security, but the reality is that none of us can afford to let our guard down. Precautions to protect yourself, your identity and your finances online can be simple, but they are only effective when practiced rigorously and consistently. And while the most obvious things like making passwords hard to guess and locking your workstation are as effective as they ever were, nowhere are conscientious security efforts more crucial than when using online banking systems and mobile payment portals. Users of peer-to-peer payment provider Venmo can breathe a sigh of relief, then, because the service just added extra security controls for its customers.

Data Protection

Creating an effective business disaster plan

You’ve been putting that business continuity plan off for months now, but you’ve finally decided to go through with it. You start by talking to members of your staff, partners and service providers. And it doesn’t take long to see that everyone has a different opinion about what to recover first when disaster strikes. The head of your IT department demands your servers are top priority, while your Vice President argues that without network security being reestablished pronto, your business is left vulnerable to even further damage. Who’s right? It may be difficult to decide. That’s why we’ve compiled these fundamental ideas to consider when drafting your business continuity plan.

Blog Data Protection

Business Continuity Testing Process

Disasters can happen at any time, which is why it’s important for your company to have a business continuity plan. In the event your business gets hit with an unforeseen disaster, you’ll be able to minimize damage, downtime, and impact to your business operations.

If you don’t have a contingency plan to protect valuable data and technology, you may face serious consequences, the worst of which is shutting down your business for good.

Data Protection Data Backups & Recovery

5 Tips for new BCP technology

Businesses of all sizes should take the time to implement business continuity plans if they want their business to survive a potential disaster. In order to do this, you need technology to support your plans. Even businesses with plans in place need to replace their technology eventually. The issue is how you know when to do this. To help, here are five tips that can signify when new technology is needed.

Blog Data Protection

Protect business data with these tips

Business data is something you can’t afford to lose, since it could lead to you losing the trust of your clients, resulting in loss of revenue. And since the hackers aren’t going anywhere, it’s more important than ever to employ security measures to protect your business data. It’s true that some hackers might be so determined and skilled that no simple security methods will ever prevent them from violating your company’s data. But it’s well worth a try to implement these methods to protect your business data from most attacks.